jQuery DataTables: Custom control does not work on second page and after



jQuery DataTables keeps only one page in DOM for performance reasons. When table is initialized only the first page exists in DOM.

That is why selector $('span.rating') returns first page elements only. In the example above star rating plug-in does not work on second page and after.

Solution 1: Using createdRow

Custom control can be initialized when jQuery DataTables creates a row. This could be done in a callback function defined using createdRow option.

If you are using client-side processing mode and have many rows, consider enabling deferred rendering using deferRender option (deferRender: true). This will improve performance by initializing only visible rows.

var table = $('#example').DataTable({
    // ... skipped ...
    createdRow: function(row, data, dataIndex){
       // Initialize custom control
       $('span.rating', row).raty({
          // ... skipped ...

Solution 2: Using initComplete

If you are using client-side processing mode, custom control can be initialized after the data has been fully loaded using initComplete option.

This solution will work only in client-side processing mode with disabled deferred rendering.

var table = $('#example').DataTable({
    // ... skipped ...
    initComplete: function(settings){
        var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api( settings );
        // Initialize custom control
        $('span.rating', api.rows().nodes()).raty({
            // ... skipped ...


In order to handle events from your custom control you need to use delegated event handler.

For example:

$('#example').on('click', 'span.rating', function(e){
   // ... skipped ...

Please see jQuery DataTables: Why click event handler does not work or DOM / jQuery events for more details.

Responsive extension

If you use Responsive extension and your custom control is located in a column that may be hidden on smaller screens, there is more code to be added. Please see jQuery DataTables: Responsive extension and custom controls for more details.

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  1. Hi, I ran into this and solved by letting the elements I needed to act upon share a css class. Then when an item of that class is clicked, deriving it’s Id. Maybe a hack I don’t know but it works for my purposes so far. Best.

    1. Good question! I am using rating control as an example, the point of the article is to demonstrate possible solutions for problem with custom controls in general. Adding ability to sort by rating will require a different approach. Please give me some time and I may update the article and post a solution to that.

  2. I am using yajra datatable + laravel collection. I spent my time nearly about 2-3 hours to debug this and found solution as below.

    remove quote string form pageLength parameters , It will save your time.

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