jQuery DataTables: Row selection using checkboxes and Select extension

We are pleased to introduce jQuery DataTables Checkboxes extension that makes it easy to add a checkbox columns to a table.


Example below shows a data table using client-side processing mode where data is received from the server using Ajax.

Name Position Office Extn. Start date Salary
Name Position Office Extn. Start date Salary

Selected rows data:

Form data as submitted to the server:

Please visit dedicated jQuery DataTables Checkboxes page to download the code, view examples and documentation.

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  1. Hi Michael,

    we have a EDIT button which edits the selected rows of the table and after that we are calling table.ajax.reload(). On screen select info message “No of rows selected still shows”. After table.ajax.reload() this select info message should not come. I debug and found that its coming from showInfoSelected. Can you assist?

    Pritesh Sahni

      1. Hi Michael,

        Thanks for updating. One thing its working when i have used dataTables.checkboxes.js and not the minified version.

        Pritesh Sahni

            1. Hi Michael,
              I am using this pulgin and tell you its awesome. I just need some thing. We have a Edit Functionality. So, user can edit one or multiple rows and data is also updating but the no of rows selected is not removing it still shows the No of rows selected. I tried to use css in drawcallback function as mentioned below. But this just remove from UI and still i can see the message No of rows selected because internally its selected.
              “drawCallback”: function ( settings ) {
              $( “tr” ).removeClass( “odd selected” )
              Basically, when user update any row(s) and response come its should not show the selected rows. Please suggest

              1. Hi Michael,
                I am using this pulgin and tell you its awesome. I just need some thing. We have a Edit Functionality. So, user can edit one or multiple rows and data is also updating but the no of rows selected is not removing it still shows the No of rows selected. I tried to use css in drawcallback function as mentioned below. But this just remove from UI and still i can see the message No of rows selected because internally its selected.
                “drawCallback”: function ( settings ) {
                $( “tr” ).removeClass( “odd selected” )
                Basically, when user update any row(s) and response come its should not show the selected rows. Please suggest

  2. Hi Michael,

    selectAllPages never take effect when switch to the next page, the return data always include the before page data


  3. Great Plugin Michael, I would like to use this plugin. I don’t call my table as json format. One day I would like to call them in json but at the moment I just simply use

    foreach ($rowData as $row) : $id = $row->_kpnID; ?><tr class="editable details-control collapsed" data-values="action" id="{{ $id }}"

    and my output looks like this


    I was using checkboxes as you can see but I would like to make the checkboxes hidden and select them by clicking the row(s)
    I am not sure how to submit the the id(s) since I am not retrieving the id’s via ajax. Can you help me please? I would appreciate if you could send me a working example which is not getting data via ajax.

  4. Great Plugin Michael, I would like to use this plugin. I don’t call my table as json format. One day I would like to call them in json but at the moment I just simply use

    foreach ($rowData as $row) : $id = $row->_kpnID; ?><tr class="editable details-control collapsed" data-values="action" id="{{ $id }}"…

    and my output looks like this



    I was using the checkboxes as you can see but I would like to make the checkboxes hidden and select them by clicking the row(s)
    I am not sure how to submit the the id(s) since I am not retrieving the id’s via ajax. Can you help me please? I would appreciate if you could send me a working example which is not getting data via ajax.

  5. Hi, I love the plugin. I want to be able to select a single row instead of multiple rows. When I include the option select{ style: 'single'}, it selects a single row if I click on the table row but if I click the checkboxes it can select multiples.

    1. Reynaldo, checkboxes are meant for multiple selection, you might want to remove checkbox column altogether since it doesn’t make sense with single row selection. Although with the most recent version of the plug-in it may be possible to achieve what you want if you remove “select all” control, see this example for code and demonstration.

  6. Is there any proper way to wrap the input checkboxes?

    Something like this:

    <label><input type="checkbox" class="dt-checkboxes"></label>


    1. There is a way to customize appearance by using render option. However there seems to be some bug with label-wrapping the input, and it becomes unclickable, see this example. I will try to correct the issue as soon as possible and will follow-up here.

    2. There seems to be weird issue with label element in the column containing checkbox. Currently the workaround is either to use CSS #example label { pointer-events: none; }, see this example or updated checkbox plugin. I updated it yesterday but it requires the latest DataTables and Select extension, see this example.

      1. Very nice! Thank you! I’ll give a try with this example. Do you think I can add the same to the ‘select all’ (dt-checkboxes-select-all) checkbox as well in the thead?

  7. Hi,

    It really looks great.
    I can see so many applauds but i cannot download the pluggin..404 not found error comes.

    Is it not available anymore?

  8. Hello,

    Is there any way to change/edit the messages to custom one?
    I mean when it’s saying “2 rows selected” to “2 elements selected” or something.
    Now I changed it in the min.js but I know that’s not the best way to do it.

  9. Hello Michael Ryvkin,

    I follow from example but I fail some bit. How can I highlight the selected row when I select the checkbox?

    Here’s a part from my code. (Everything work fine except this point)

                var table_id = $('#table_id').DataTable({
                   'ajax': {
                      'url' : 'customer.txt'
                   'columnDefs': [{ 
                      'targets'      : 0,
                      'checkboxes'   : {
                         'selectAll' : true,
                         'selectRow' : true
                   }], // hide sort icon on header of first column
                   'select': {
                      'style'     : 'multi',
                      'selector'  : 'checkbox'
                   'order': [[1, 'asc']]
    1. If you only want to select rows using checkbox, use 'selector': 'td:first-child' for first cell or 'selector': 'input[type="checkbox"]' for checkbox instead. However I would remove this option altogether is it’s not user-friendly.

      1. I both try with
        ‘select’: {
        ‘style’ : ‘multi’,
        ‘selector’ : ‘checkbox’
        ‘select’: {
        ‘style’ : ‘multi’,
        ‘selector’ : ‘input[type=”checkbox”]’
        but it doesn’t work for me, Did you already removed it sir?

          1. Dear Michael,
            I found the root cause. I include the wrong css file. You’re so nice, Thank you very much.

  10. Hi Michael,

    Thanks for the great plugin.

    1. We are facing one issue, we set below column def:
    { ‘targets’: 0, ‘checkboxes’: {‘selectAllPages’: false}}
    If we check the header checkbox for the first page and move to 2nd page then header checkbox again shows as checked for the 2nd page. And if we then uncheck header checkbox for the 2nd page and move again back to 1st page then header checkbox for the 1st page will also be shown unchecked. How to fix this?

    2. Also, where to store some row specific ID values like EmployeeID and get these values for processing?

    Thank you

    1. Mark, thanks for your appreciation!

      • I can’t replicate the problem. What version of the Checkbox plug-in are you using? Can you please demonstrate the problem using this example as a starting point?
      • Use table.rows({ selected: true }).data() to get full dataset for selected rows if you’re using Select extension. See rows_data in this this example.
      1. Michael,

        Thanks for quick reply. I tried to implement your below example:

        I just made one change and set ‘selectAllPages’: false, but if I check header checkbox then it checks the checkboxes of all pages instead of current page. I am not familiar with jsfiddle, so I created a sample page. Can you please review my sample link below:


        1. Can you please let me know how to fix this.

        2. Also, I added Select plugin to the page but not sure why row is not shown as selected if checkbox is checked.

        Thank you.

  11. Hi Michael, if I had the data with an attribute for example state that can be 0 or 1 and those that have as value 1 load already selected as could make such functionality. Thank you very much for your reply.

  12. Hi Michael,

    Please ignore my previous replies. I am trying to implement your below example:

    I also made a sample page below:

    It has 2 issues:
    1. I set ‘selectAllPages’: false and still clicking header checkbox it checks the checkboxes of all pages instead of current page.
    2. Also, my sample shows incorrect “rows selected” count at the bottom. I found that if I set the “ajax” option then it shows correct count. Currently my project is not using ajax option and instead directly table result is returned. How to fix this issue.

    You have a very good plugin and it will be great if above 2 issues can be fixed. Thank you.

      1. Michael,

        Thanks once again, I am getting closer. I tried to assign a unique ID to each td or tr which has a checkbox but it didn’t work.

        Should I assign a unique ID to each checkbox? If yes, how do I assign a unique ID to each checkbox of the first column. Checkbox is being added by the plugin code and hence I am not sure how to set unique ID to those dynamically added checkboxes.

        Please let me know how this can be done.

        1. First cell (<td></td>) should not be empty and have a unique data, for example:

              <td>Tiger Nixon</td>
              <td>System Architect</td>
              <td>Garrett Winters</td>
          1. Thanks Michael,

            1. Adding unique data in of checkbox column fixed my second issue of incorrect “rows selected” count.

            2. But, still my first issue is not fixed. I set ‘selectAllPages’: false and still clicking header checkbox it checks the checkboxes of all pages instead of current page. I have updated my below sample page to have unique data in checkbox column and set ‘selectAllPages’: false.


            I see that you have written additional code for Callbacks and iCheck change events. Does it need some changes?

            Thanks again for your time.

            1. Mark, thanks for bringing it up. The issue is in additional code required for iCheck plug-in to select checkboxes on current page only.

              The solution is to change this line:

              var col = table.column($(this).closest('th'));

              to this line:

              var col = table.column($(this).closest('th'), { 'page': 'current' });
              1. Great !! That worked !!!

                Just last couple of questions:

                1. Checking any row level checkbox also checks the header checkbox. Can this be avoided?

                2. Also, if I check the header checkbox it will check all the row level checkboxes. Then if I uncheck any of these row level checkboxes, header checkbox is not unchecked. Can this be fixed?

                You can see these issues in example link as well:


                Thank you

  13. Hi, Michael.

    How can I get data from Controller in Ajax where you are getting from url
    'ajax': 'https://api.myjson.com/bins/1us28'

    I want to get data from db. I can’t understand how to get.

  14. Please, there is any way that I can mark a select as checked if it is already rendered in the html ?
    I wanna be rendering the table within my php page, and not making another ajax request to populate the datatables
    For example, in the following link I wanna mark rows 3,4,5 as selected.

    Example: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/ZyVggP

  15. First of all thanks a lot for your nice tutorial. I am trying to prevent to select multiple rows. I want that if user select new row previous selected row will be unchecked. Need Help. Thanks in advance.

  16. Can I use if to display checkbox ?

    "columns": [
          'data': test,
          'className': 'dt-head-center dt-body-center',
          //I want using if in here.. 
          if (data  'text') {
             'checkboxes': {
                'selectRow': true,
                'selectAll': true

    Thanks for your cooperation.

  17. Hi,

    I was wondering how is it possible to set some checkboxes as checked, when datatables comes up initially.
    I have a form which user can change previous selected rows.

    Thank you for your help

    Best Regards

        1. Most likely you’re loading data via Ajax in your program. If that’s the case, you need to use `initComplete` callback to select checkboxes only after the data has been loaded, see this example. However it doesn’t make sense to check rows based on row indexes (2, 3, 4 in your example).

          If you want to select checkboxes based on the data, see this example.

  18. Hi Michael, I have some data which should be selected when I load the page, how I can do that?
    For example, there are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and 3 & 5 should be selected first before this page load, hope you can understand what I mean, thanks.

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